Who are we?
Get to know our company

We have been an integral part of the Polish wood-based materials market for more than half a century, and our rich history and experience have given us a deep understanding of our customers' needs. Woodeco is about people who build a strong team and a responsible approach to sustainability.

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Who are we?\ *Get to know our company*Who are we?\ *Get to know our company*
Who are we?

We offera wide range of
high quality wood-based materials

We offer a wide range of high quality wood-based materials used in the furniture, finishing and construction industries. Our range is the result of combining traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. The company's sales model is based on direct and indirect distribution through an extensive network of authorised Woodeco partner outlets, building networks, independent builders' merchants and DIY stores. Our production and office teams work closely together to produce and market products of the highest quality.

Pracownicy Woodeco podpisujący laminat z drewnianym dekorem.
Our results

Woodeco in figures


years on the furniture market


employees throughout Poland


production plants in Poland


points of sale in the network of Woodeco partners

Our mission

We want to be a true partner, delivering a "new standard of quality’"

We really want to be your true partner, delivering a "new standard of quality" in the category. We're all about providing an all-round product, service and service experience that will really support you in the day-to-day running of your business (here and now) and in the implementation of your projects (end-to-end). We really care about helping you to grow your business in these uncertain times. That's why we believe that a reliable partner like Woodeco is so important.

Mężczyzna i kobieta w formalnych ubraniach witają się uściskiem dłoni, symbolizując rozpoczęcie współpracy.
Our values

What values drive us?


A respectful and trusting, responsible approach to our clients to understand their needs and ensure their mutual development.

Zbliżenie na ręce osób biorących udział w spotkaniu biznesowym. Gest uścisku dłoni świadczy o profesjonalizmie i zaufaniu.


We continuously improve the brand experience by providing the highest quality service and support in the product and communication areas.

Minimalistyczne zdjęcie przedstawiające fragment dłoni spoczywającej na drewnianej powierzchni. Kompozycja podkreśla dostępność i jakość materiałów Woodeco.


We provide a wide range of products which, combined with a consultancy service and extensive expertise, comprehensively meet the needs of different audiences.

Kolekcja próbek materiałów Woodeco, w tym tkaniny i drewno, kolory. Zestawienie stanowi inspirację wnętrzarską.


We present our collections of designs and decors in an aspirational and inviting way, ensuring an efficient and pleasant brand experience through assistance and accessible tools.

Jasna, przestronna kuchnia z drewnianymi szafkami, blatem i stołem. Na blacie znajduje się zlewozmywak, kuchenka i dekoracje.


We have a real impact on the world around us, both environmentally and socially. We use natural resources responsibly, putting our safety at #1.

Ręce mężczyzny, który sadzi roślinę w ziemii. Zdjęcie symbolizuje odpowiedzialność, która jest wartością firmy Woodeco.
Our factories

The places where our products are made

At Woodeco, our factories are the foundation of our success. Get to know the locations that support the company's development with their work and commitment.

Woodeco Wieruszów Sp. z o.o.

Manufactured products:

Particle boards


Back panels

Construction boards mfp

Formwork boards

Zdjęcie panoramiczne nowoczesnej suszarni drewna, zlokalizowanej w zakładzie produkcyjnym firmy Woodeco w Wieruszowie.
Our Awards

Distinctions and awards

Compliance – in line with regulations

Acting responsibly is the basis of our business.

Responsible action is the basis of our business. Every employee is obliged to comply with Woodeco's Rules of Business Conduct. We act responsibly and in accordance with the law and our internal policies and rules.

Mężczyzna podpisujący dokument potwierdzający zgodność z przepisami.

Important topics